Industry Agreements

The 菠菜网lol正规平台 Research Foundation will negotiate and execute all agreements with public 还有私人赞助你的研究. 这包括较小的研究协议 agreements like non-disclosure agreements, and agreements that ask for your personal 签名. This process protects professors and their research from personal liability and unfavorable commitments, while also upholding the policies, values, and long-term 大学社区的可持续性.

菠菜网lol正规平台 Research Foundation
San Jose, CA 95112
电子邮件: 里德
电话: (408) 924-1546


A confidential disclosure agreement (CDA), also known as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), is a legal contract used in research collaborations to allow for the exchange 保护专有信息. 这些协议对双方有一定的约束力 set amount of time, and can be:

One-way (Unilateral): 只有一方披露机密信息

Two-way (Mutual): 其中双方交换机密信息

Due to the nature of scientific collaborations, we always recommend entering into a mutual CDA, which protects 菠菜网lol正规平台 information against unintended disclosures.

The scope of the CDA will outline the information to be disclosed, how the parties are able to use the information, as well as the protections in place to secure the confidential data.

Please be aware that entering into a CDA could potentially inhibit or limit your ability 进一步你自己的研究努力. 只要有可能,就参与到你们的对话中 with the other party without sharing or receiving any confidential information. 使用 a CDA only if it is absolutely necessary to share your, or receive the other party's, confidential information.  

Why Might You Need a CDA?

  • To detail specific restrictions on use and dissemination by receiving party.
  • To allow two parties to take a look at each other’s processes, methods, or technology solely for the purpose of evaluating the potential for the possible future relationship.
  • 在任何后续的专利诉讼中建立证据.

CDA Request Process

PI Responsibilities

  • 使用 菠菜网lol正规平台保密披露协议请求链接 to request a CDA through 菠菜网lol正规平台RF.
  • 提供CDA的所有相关背景资料,包括:
    • CDA所涵盖的研究范围
    • 根据CDA共享的数据的使用计划
    • Information on any grants/contracts under which any of the data to be shared was 生成的
  •  Submit any CDA agreement templates you have received from the collaborating organization.

菠菜网lol正规平台RF Responsibilities

  • Negotiate the terms of the CDA
  • Route CDA/NDA for 签名s
  • 如有必要,执行出口管制程序
  • 将完全执行的CDA分发给披露方和接收方

If you have questions regarding the CDA process, please contact Reed Frye at 里德 or ph一个 at (408) 924-1546.

Material Transfer Agreement

A material transfer agreement (MTA) is a legally-binding contract that governs the 机构间研究资料的转移. Materials can include, but are not limited to, cell lines, transgenic animals, proteins, and chemicals.

For incoming MTAs (when an outside institution is sharing their material with an 菠菜网lol正规平台 faculty member), these agreements can protect a researcher's ability to use and publish research, any existing and potential intellectual property and define the use of any 附带的机密信息. 对于即将离任的mta(当菠菜网lol正规平台的教员) is sharing their material), this restricts the use of the material and governs the 能够对材料进行任何修改或衍生.

Why Might You Need an MTA?

  • To allow sharing of material that you have developed in a narrowly defined way without 侵犯知识产权.
  • To receive material that the owner of the material will not deliver without the above 保证.
  • To fairly distribute liability, intellectual property rights, and publication rights that might stem from the material.

MTA Request Process

PI Responsibilities

  • 使用 菠菜网lol正规平台材料转让协议请求链接 to request an MTA through 菠菜网lol正规平台RF.
  • 为大都会运输署提供所有相关的背景资料,包括:
    • 大都会运输署的研究范围
    • 在运输运输协定下使用的材料的性质
    • 使用用于开发材料的任何第三方材料
  • Submit any MTA agreement templates you have received from the collaborating organization.

菠菜网lol正规平台RF Responsibilities

  • Negotiate the terms of the MTA.
  • Route MTA for 签名s.
  • 如有必要,执行出口管制程序.
  • 将完全执行的MTA分发给披露方和接收方.

If you have questions regarding the MTA process, please contact Reed Frye at 里德 or ph一个 at (408) 924-1546.

Data 使用 Agreement

Data use agreements (DUAs) protect the researcher and the university's legal rights 在他们传输的数据中,并控制数据的使用方式. DUAs are also often required under the 隐私 Rule contained within the Health 保险 Portability 1996年和责任法案(HIPAA). 具体来说,DUA必须在 there is any use or disclosure of a limited data set (defined below) to an outside institution or party.  有限的数据集仍然是受保护的健康信息(PHI), and for that reason, hybrid entities like 菠菜网lol正规平台 must enter into a data use agreement with any recipient of a limited data set from 菠菜网lol正规平台's designated health care comp一个nts, and with any external covered entities that are sharing limited data sets with 菠菜网lol正规平台

At a minimum, any DUA required by HIPAA must contain provisions that address the following:

  1. 确定有限数据集的允许使用和披露; 
  2. 确定谁可以使用或接收这些信息;
  3. Prohibit the recipient from using or further disclosing the information, except as 协议允许的或法律另有允许的;
  4. Require the recipient to use appropriate safeguards to prevent an unauthorized use 或协议中未考虑的披露;
  5. Require the recipient to report to the covered entity any use or disclosure to which it becomes aware;
  6. Require the recipients to ensure that any agents (including any subcontractors) to whom it discloses the information will agree to the same restrictions as provided in the agreement; and
  7. Prohibit the recipient from identifying the information or contacting the individuals.

What is a Limited Data Set?

 A limited data set is a data set that is stripped of certain direct identifiers specified in the 隐私 Rule. 有限的数据集可能会披露给外部方,没有 a patient’s authorization only if the purpose of the disclosure is for research, public health, or health care operations purposes, and the person or entity receiving the information signs a data use agreement (DUA) with the covered entity or its business 联系.


  • 日期:出生、入院、出院或服役的日期
  • 城市、州和/或邮政编码(除去街道地址)
  • 年龄
  • Any other unique code or identifier that is not listed as a direct identifier.

Why Might You Need a DUA?

  • To meet HIPAA requirements for sharing a limited data set with another researcher.
  • To detail specific restrictions on use and sharing of data by receiving party, such as reverse-engineering, commercialization, dissemination to the public, or research 以及与你竞争的专利.
  • To fairly distribute liability, intellectual property rights, and publication rights that might stem from the material.

DUA Request Process

PI Responsibilities

  • 使用 菠菜网lol正规平台数据使用协议请求链接 to request a DUA through 菠菜网lol正规平台RF.
  • 提供DUA的所有相关背景资料,包括:
    • DUA所涵盖的研究范围
    • 在DUA下使用的数据的性质
    • Information on any grants or contracts under which any of the data to be shared was 生成的
  • Submit any DUA agreement templates you have received from the collaborating organization.

If you have questions regarding the DUA process, please contact Reed Frye at 里德 or ph一个 at (408) 924-1546.