健康科学 & 健康

Whether in laboratory or on the front lines in the community, these 菠菜网lol正规平台 researchers 为所有人谋求健康的结果.



米里VanHovenIn 米里VanHoven’s research lab, she and her students seek to understand how neural 电路形成并维持. 神经回路是神经元接力的一部分 它们在整个身体中相互连接和交流. 这些功能 comp一个nts of the nervous system control perception, such as sight and smell, as well 就像思想和身体运动一样.

“We know a great deal about how neural circuits function, but less about their formation and 修改,“博士. VanHoven解释说. “我们的实验室正在探索分子过程 that govern the steps of formation and growth, as well as how sensory experience shapes 并在以后的生活中维持这些回路.”

Dr. VanHoven的实验室有三个主要项目. 第一个是试图理解其中的原因 神经元轴突在适当区域终止生长. 第二个目标是发现 神经元识别正确伴侣的分子机制. 第三是 focused on understanding the mechanisms by which sensory signaling modifies and maintains 突触. Understanding these processes could lead to a bett er understanding of disorders 比如自闭症、精神分裂症和痴呆症.

而博士. VanHoven hopes that her long-term research leads to scientifi c discoveries, 她欣然接受教书所带来的回报.

“治疗疾病的诱惑力很强,”她说. “我希望我的发现可以 lead to something important medically fi ve or ten or twenty years down the road. But part of me wants to make a difference right away – that is the part that is satisfied 通过教育和与学生一起工作.”

Cleber Ouverney


Cleber OuverneyIf you spend a litt le time learning about Cleber Ouverney’s microbiological research into periodontal bacteria, you may decide to visit your dentist so一个r rather than 晚些时候.

Dr. 奥弗尼开始攻读博士学位.D. 通过检查海洋中的细菌多样性进行研究. He noticed that a number of the marine bacteria he was studying had a counterpart 在人体中. 他研究了环境与人之间的关系 细菌在他的博士后研究.

“It was during that time that I became interested in a specific group of bacteria 这与牙周炎等口腔疾病有关.”

That group of bacteria, referred to as TM7, is also found in diverse environments 比如土壤、污泥和火山灰.

“We discovered that most people have TM7 in their mouths, but some types of TM7 are there in larger abundance as the disease progresses from healthy to gingivitis (gum 炎症),然后是牙周炎(牙齿骨量减少).”

Keep in mind, however, that less that fifty percent of bacteria are bad.

“Bacteria take the bad rap as causing damage to humans, but in fact, most bacteria work to protect the host against disease-causing bacteria and viruses by out-competing 他们是为了资源.”

本科生和研究生都在博士项目工作. Ouerney的实验室. 他的学生都走了 完成Ph值.D. programs and to work in hospitals, in clinical labs, and at biotechnology 基因泰克、Illumina Inc .等公司.、Life Technologies、Ion Torrent和Maverix Biomics.



Tzvia艾布拉姆森和学生们Tzvia艾布拉姆森 and her students are engaged in the study of the highly contagious Bordetella pertussis bacterial infection, more commonly known as whooping cough. 他们的 work focuses specifically on T helper 17 (Th 17) cells, which have a central role 解决感染的方法.

“Prior to the development of the vaccine in the 1940s, whooping cough was a common 儿童死亡的主要原因. 艾布拉姆森解释说. “利率大幅下降。 在疫苗引入之后.”

Dr. Abramson’s students are researching a mechanism that will recruit Th 17 cells to the infection earlier, which may speed the body’s immune response against the infection 并可能最终有助于改进疫苗. 带着她的热情 support, they are co-authoring journal articles on the subject and recently presented 他们的研究结果发表在科罗拉多州立大学年度生物技术研讨会上.

“Engaging with students is the most gratifying part of my work,” she says. 

Dr. Abramson also leads the 圣何塞州立大学 Consortium for Stem Cell Internships 基于实验室的学习(SCILL). 该项目可获得硕士以上学位 a 12-month research internship at a host institution such as Stanford University, UC Santa Cruz, The Parkinson’s Institute, Biotime, or Stem Cell Theranostics.


健康的 & 积极老龄化

他玛SemerjianWhen The Health Trust sought evidence-based wellness programming for older adults 在硅谷,他们求助于圣何塞的塔玛尔·塞默吉安(他玛Semerjian). 州立大学. 她的 efforts led to the creation of the Silicon Valley 健康的 Aging Partnership (SVHAP), a collaborative organization that shares aging-related educational resources and health promotion 与硅谷的社区中心和机构合作的项目.

Dr. Semerjian’s leadership at SVHAP has had a huge benefi t for 菠菜网lol正规平台 kinesiology students: opportunities 在田间和老年人一起工作.

“Our service-learning courses allow students to go out and conduct evidence-based physical activities in the fi eld,” explains Co-PI and SVHAP Project Coordinator Jennifer Schachner. “They are reading research articles at the same time that they are managing community 项目和教学. 他们立即将研究与实际实践联系起来.”

These service-learning experiences have led to significant career success for the 参与者.

“Many of those who have graduated are now working for agencies such as the City of 圣何塞或基督教青年会. Semerjian. “我的最值得的结果之一。 work is seeing my students sitting across the table as collaborators when I go out 进入社区.”



萨德娜——睡椅With a grant from the Mid-Peninsula 住房 Corporation, 萨德娜——睡椅 brought together a multi-disciplinary team of 30 菠菜网lol正规平台 students and six faculty to provide wellness programs to the diverse residents of a senior housing complex in Mountain View. 血 pressure monitoring, home safety, Matter of Balance, nutrition, and recreation therapy 只是其中的几个节目吗.

“The idea is for students to develop both theirresearch and clinical skills,” Dr. 首相解释道. “和这些高年级学生一起工作是一个建立职业生涯的机会.”

Dr. Diwan is the director 菠菜网lol正规平台’s Center on 健康的 Aging in Multicultural Populations (CHAMP). Th e grant was a mechanism for CHAMP to fulfi ll its mission of providing students with opportunities to engage in multidisciplinary practice with diverse populations.

One initial challenge in delivering the programs was the fact that fi ve languages were spoken by the clients: English, Farsi, Korean, Mandarin and Russian. 幸运的是, there were speakers of each of those languages among the students providing services, 是什么导致了跨学科的口译合作.

CHAMP’s success in Mountain View led to a subsequent grant from the City of San José where 学生为圣何塞60岁及以上的成年人提供类似的服务.
