Freshman 招生 Requirements

Many of the degree programs in the Davidson College of 工程 are impacted, meaning that there are more qualified students applying than we can accommodate.  对于这些 programs, a higher Eligibility Index (EI) will be required to be admitted than the 校园最低.  The calculation of the EI is described on the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Freshman 招生 Requirements 页面.

To see if the program you are applying to is currently impacted, please check the Impaction Results for the most recent admissions cycle: 菠菜网lol正规平台 Undergraduate Degrees and Impaction.

The Impaction EI for a given year may differ from the Impaction EI in the year you apply, depending on factors such as number of applications and competitiveness of the applicants in the pool.

If you do not meet the minimum EI for the program listed as your first choice, but do meet the minimum EI for Undeclared, you'll have the option of being admitted Undeclared.  This will require you to undergo a Change of Major into your intended major.