

圣何塞州立大学 is monitoring the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and we are committed to keeping the campus community safe.

报告案例表单提供了一个 机密的空间 在哪里可以收集信息 与必要的校园官员共享.

Whether studying or working from home or participating in on-campus activities, students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to report their positive case. 

As a member of the Spartan community, you should use this form if you have tested positive for COVID-19, even if you aren’t exhibiting symptoms.



菠菜网lol正规平台 COVID-19仪表盘 provides information on confirmed cases in the past 14 days, known cases in quarantine or isolation, the cumulative confirmed case count for the university, and Santa Clara 县统计. 仪表板定期更新.

If you are experiencing fever or respiratory symptoms and you are an employee, please 打电话给你的医疗保健提供者.  If you are a student you may call the Student Wellness Center at 408-924-5678 or your personal healthcare provider.